Cleantech Ventures

bringing innovative technology to market



Our MIssion

Catalyzing Ambition

Building a startup is among the most invigorating, meaningful vocational experiences. The satisfaction of converting a great moment of inspiration into meaningful output that contributes to a better world is truly unmatched.

But that road is often unclear. And daunting. Should you write an elaborate business plan first, or contact investors? What about attracting customers? And what if you don’t have the time, energy or ability to do any of those? 

Cleantech Ventures is here to guide you along the process. We will prepare the materials you need, and coach you through each step of the process, right until you’ve signed that first deal. We believe that everyone should receive the help they need to pursue their highest aspirations, and lack of time, money or experience are not valid reasons to settle for less. 

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
— Theodore Roosevelt